Teens Talk About Retro-Tech
Here are some suggestions that my library’s teens came up for improving our next year’s Retro-Tech Museum:
- Promote more in advance
- Set up display in more open area, not in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), but in the library where everyone can see it
- Focus on a single technology and track its evolution, e.g., the telephone
- Allow docent to give candy as an instant reward to people who take the quiz
- Create slideshows and video clips to advertise on the TV monitor, to post on the (future) blog, and to run during the Museum
- Possibly include questions on next year’s quiz, like “From what era or year is this displayed retro-technology from?”
Wow, right!
Two crummy things happened, though. The headphones from an old walkman that were included in the display have disappeared. Worse still, two “old” iPhones, brought in by a teen that were not part of the display have also disappeared. The latter were labeled with the teen’s name and sitting ON MY DESK in the work area, which is not accessible to the general public. I will have to tell the owners that their stuff was most likely stolen. This makes me so sad. People suck.