LCAP and Meaninful School Library Stats
If I can’t prove that my school library is meeting LCAP needs, then my library is at risk for losing not only its purpose, but its funding as well!
A curious So Cal Librarian investigates issues to better advocate for literacy, learning, libraries, and other stuff.
If I can’t prove that my school library is meeting LCAP needs, then my library is at risk for losing not only its purpose, but its funding as well!
When you have too much in your brain to process during your librarian-work day, you are tabbed-out. Here are some time tips and tools to help.
Is there something missing from your library renovation plans? Keep a designated display space in your school library to give ’em something to talk about.
I am anti-union. I believe that it is unethical for any government employee to unionize against tax payers. What do I do when unions take over at my library?
Bookless library? Librarians must advocate for people wanting a respite from technology as well as for wifi-lacking people needing access to it.
California school librarians keep up with their PD. That’s what’s make them AWESOME! So Cal public librarians might do the same — if they had coverage.
Don’t be a battleax with a bad attitude and out-of-date work methods. For the sake of the profession, stay relevant AND pleasant to be around!
Law schools are shrinking their enrollment due to job climate. Library schools should do the same, or, at the very least, provide job placement for grads!
Collection Development Policies justify how libraries spend money and staff time. Does your library have one? Has it been updated?
Recipe for CA Education Jam Begin with a super complicated system that’s loosely held together by an unwieldy, overly legalized, chronically changing Education Code that no one can understand. Get some politicians, rocket scientists, and...