PD Discrepencies between Public and School Libraries
California school librarians keep up with their PD. That’s what’s make them AWESOME! So Cal public librarians might do the same — if they had coverage.
A curious So Cal Librarian investigates issues to better advocate for literacy, learning, libraries, and other stuff.
California school librarians keep up with their PD. That’s what’s make them AWESOME! So Cal public librarians might do the same — if they had coverage.
Don’t be a battleax with a bad attitude and out-of-date work methods. For the sake of the profession, stay relevant AND pleasant to be around!
Law schools are shrinking their enrollment due to job climate. Library schools should do the same, or, at the very least, provide job placement for grads!
Libraries don’t support literacy, build communities, protect intellectual freedom, advance research, or preserve heritage. LIBRARIANS do!
Public libraries and librarians deserve kudos for all their hard work during summer to promote reading for pleasure. Too often, they’re taken for granted.
Make Libraries and Librarians look good. Follow your Collection Development Policy, especially when weeding!
We’ve been told that we must build an online presence to be employable. Is this true or have we succumbed to a social media sham?
Until every American is forced to plug in and go paperless, we have to remember that people matter more than machines. It’s okay to prefer paper to a PC.
Be an American who never cowers to any master nor bends to any threat. Don’t trade liberty for the illusion of security. End surveillance now.
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) must NOT be allowed to keep internet users in the dark, but will stricter DRM create more jobs?