Hooray for Public Libraries and Summer Reading
Public libraries and, ahem, LIBRARIANS are too often taken for granted. Sometimes, like during the summer, when we’re pulling our hair out, trying to keep up with the workload of managing summer reading programs, we’d like some kudos every once in a while.
This slide presentation by Donalyn Miller, author of the Book Whisperer, does a great job of illustrating how teachers can create a culture of reading, for example. Unfortunately, only a single slide of the presentation mentions “visit the school library.” And NO slide mentions visiting the public library! Grrr!
Take heart! Stephen Krashen, author of The Power of Reading, recently wrote a letter to the Tampa Bay Times that states, “…sixth-graders behind in reading who participated in a summer program focusing on self-selected reading and plenty of library time made dramatic gains in reading.” Read the whole letter for the full impact. He’s done the research. He should know.
I’m crushin’ on Krashen.
Let’s hear if for public libraries and the public librarians who manage Summer Reading Programs, despite lack of funding, support, and staff — all in an effort to promote reading for pleasure!